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4 ways to make your doctor listen to your concerns

On Behalf of | Jun 15, 2020 | Medical Malpractice

The doctor-patient relationship is one of the more important ones in society. After all, when an individual is not feeling well, a physician uses his or her talents to develop a treatment plan. 

While medical malpractice occurs for a variety of reasons, a doctor probably cannot properly treat you if he or she does not listen to your concerns. Here are some tips for ensuring your doctor hears what you have to say: 

  1. Bring notes to your appointment

Meeting with a doctor can be intimidating, especially if the two of you do not have a long-term professional relationship. To help manage the appointment, you may want to bring notes with you. Simply jot down your symptoms, questions and concerns and refer to them during your examination. 

  1. Ask a trusted friend to join you

When seeking treatment for an injury or illness, you want as much information as possible. Unfortunately, though, you may not have enough distance from the situation to ask the right questions. Bringing a trusted friend or close relative with you to the appointment may be a good idea. Even if this person says nothing, having an ally in the room may help to quiet your nerves. 

  1. Express your concern

Not all doctors have the same bedside manner. While you may feel your doctor is not listening to you, he or she may be unaware of the problem. Therefore, you may need to express your concern to your physician. Telling him or her you are experiencing a communication barrier may resolve the issue. 

  1. Find a different doctor

Because a missed diagnosis or the wrong treatment plan may put your life in danger, you must advocate for your own health-related interests. Even if you try diligently to make your doctor listen to you, you may not be able to get through. Remember, sometimes you must simply find a new health care provider.